Artist study – Agnes Cecile

Agnes Cecile is a young portrait artist from Rome, Cecile uses a range of mediums such as Watercolours, Ink, Enamel acrylic paint, Acrylics and charcoal in  order to create her vivid pieces. Looking at Cecile’s work, she has a range of emotions within each piece which range from happy, creative and bright to dark, gloomy pieces – I have collected a few different pieces by Agnes in order to gain a larger understanding of her technique and work ethic, whilst choosing the work that I feel is more suited to my specific topic and interest.

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These three images are some examples of Cecile’s more upbeat vibrant pieces. I really like these as they take an abstract approach into the intention and create a bright and emotional portrait. With the last image, Cecile has used water colours in order to create the individual sections and sections within her face. The first image with the two people, I think use a range of watercolours and acrylic pains as the textures are alot different to one another, creating a conrast within the image – I think that this works really well as it links different emotions, which are tied into one piece of work.

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Agnes also creates toned down, neutral pieces such as these above – I like the pieces that I have selected as certain ones link to my topic really well, with her overlaying 2/3 portraits, creating increasingly transparent paintings – similar to what I have been doing within Photoshop – it would be suitable to create my own interpretation of one of these pieces as they link more to my project than some of her other work.

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She also creates simple, dramatic pieces using the enamel paint to create loose drips of paint – forming the portraits above, although she occasionally applies her paintbrush to the work in order to give the image more detail and shading. I like this technique, as well as it seeming suitable to represent/illustrate mental illness, but showing a lot in relation to order and chaos, as she uses a lot of textures and messy techniques. I may look at using this technique within my work during my experimentation as it could work quite well if I work from one of the photographs I have taken of Sarah.


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